10 Top Spas in Oslo

The Well
The Well | Courtesy of The Well

Although baths and saunas are quite steeped (pun intended) into the Scandinavian culture, the concept of spa—meaning massages, treatments, and overall corporal indulgence and relaxation—is still a bit of a novelty for Norwegians. But, as always, Oslo is catching up fast: below you’ll find places to enjoy a massage, a sauna, indulge in beauty treatments, or even forget everything as you float weightlessly on water.

Holmenkollen Park Hotel Spa

Just a few minutes from the Holmenkollen ski jump lies the historic Scandic Holmenkollen Park Hotel—and within it, the Holmenkollen Spa. Here you’ll find a swimming pool, sauna, and solarium, as well as skin treatments and massages that will help de-stress, recharge your batteries, and please your senses.

Sawasdee Thai Aroma

In the heart of Frogner, not far from Solli Plass, you’ll find an exotic haven that’s perfect for unwinding with friends or your loved one: at Sawasdee Thai Aroma, you can have a couples or group massage, soak into the aromatherapy oils, and enjoy deep tissue massage from expert hands.

Couple’s massage


DaiKai is a wellness retreat very close to the National Theater, so practically in the heart of Oslo. What’s great about this place is that it combines the best treatments from various cultures: Chinese Tuina massage, Japanese Shiatsu, and Swedish aroma oil massage, as well as foot massages.

The Well

If you want to take a break from city life, The Well in Sofiemyr is the perfect place to spend a full day of pampering. Apart from a variety of massages and treatments (rhassoul clay, anyone?), The Well is actually the largest spa and bathhouse in the Nordic region—with 11 different pools and 15 different saunas and steam rooms. Oh, there’s also waterfalls and a Japanese bathhouse with onsen hot springs. Definitely worth the drive from Oslo, but if you don’t have a car there’s also a private bus departing often from central Oslo.

Japanese sauna style at The Well

Artesia Spa

Artesia has two locations: one in Majorstuen (which also features a gym) and one in downtown Oslo inside Grand Hotel. Both are very luxurious, and offer a variety of treatments—from massages to facials and makeup. On the downtown location there’s also a swimming pool, a steam room, and a sauna.

One of the massage areas at Artesia Spa

Tianlai Terapi Senter

Tianlai in Vika is an all-week-long, almost all-day-long haven for your sore muscles. Here they provide traditional Chinese massages, as well as acupuncture and cupping therapy; this is a favorite spot for people who appreciate a strong, effective massage that helps dissolve tension in the body after sitting in an office chair all day long.

Thief Spa

Thief Hotel wants to “steal you away from everyday life.” Thief Spa, the hotel’s wellness hub, claims to have “stolen the best ideas from spa cultures all over the world.” Both of them are true to their mission statements: in this spa, you can enjoy anything from a Turkish hamam bath to a Moroccan clay treatment or swim in a cove-like pool and get a facial cleanse or a relieving massage.

Thief Spa


SALT is slightly different than the other entries of the list—these weird pyramids in the waterside promise to take care of your brain as well as your body. There are three saunas, two of which can be rented out for private use, but the big one is the real game changer: as you soak in the therapeutic steam, you can also watch a movie or a lecture. Mens sana in corpore sano, right?

The main sauna at SALT

Best of You

Very centrally located in Barcode, Best of You is a wellness clinic that has the answer to all your beauty woes—from laser treatments and skin care to mani-pedis, waxing, and brow/lashes services. Of course, you can also have a massage here, and emerge a completely new person.

Bare Flyt

We probably saved the best for last. Bare Flyt is Oslo’s first (and only) floating center; here you can enter one of the sensory deprivation tanks and just weightlessly float for an hour while all your problems and earthly concerns go away. Of course, you can combine it with a massage beforehand—just don’t blame us if you fall asleep like a baby inside the tank.

The floating tank
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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