11 Places in Namibia Perfect for Food Lovers

Table for two
Table for two | © Brooke Lark / Unsplash
Gill Lange

Namibians don’t mess around when it comes to food and they love their meat, so finding a succulent steak or some sticky ribs to sink your teeth into is easy. However, far from just being carnivorous, the country blends together an exciting combination of German fare with traditional street food and fresh seafood that draws its taste inspiration from far and wide across the globe. Here are some spots that are bound to get avid foodies salivating.

The Fish Deli

Deli, Seafood, Sushi

Swakopmund pier
© fiverlocker / Flickr

The Fish Deli in Swakopmund sells only the freshest seafood straight off the boats, as well as fabulous sushi and succulent oysters. Fresh, uncooked seafood is available on a daily basis for those who want to test their culinary skills, while ready homemade meals, such as marinated fish fillets and calamari stir-fries can immediately satisfy the hungry. The one-stop deli also sells yummy ingredients such as goats cheese and Namibian olive oil, and will even throw together a sundowner picnic for you, including delicacies such as oysters and champagne.


Ice Cream Parlour, Ice Cream

Strawberry ice cream
| © silviarita / Pixabay
Creamy, silky smooth ice cream has made Cramer’s a famous spot in Namibia and foodies with a sweet tooth will love this little dessert parlor. The homemade ice cream uses organic dairy products and includes enticing and unusual flavor combinations, such as goats cheese and cherries or coriander and raspberry. Cramer’s also offers organic, additive-free yogurt and kefir. Waffles and other sweet temptations round off the menu.

Joe's Beerhouse

Restaurant, Steakhouse

Joe’s Beerhouse
© joepyrek / Flickr
Ask anyone where to eat in Windhoek and nine times out of ten, the answer will be Joe’s Beerhouse. The quirky restaurant has a distinctly African feel and offers diners a slice of the real Namibia. From German eisbein and oryx schnitzel to authentic African dishes, you can sample it all at Joe’s. Although vegetarians are catered for, Joe’s Beerhouse takes their meat seriously, so those that love a cut of juicy steak will not be disappointed.

Moose McGregor Desert Bakery

Bakery, Soul Food

The quirky settlement of Solitaire
© dconvertini / Flickr
It has been called the stuff that legends are made of and, indeed, Moose McGregor’s apple pie has become an iconic Namibian sweet treat. Although the man himself has passed on, his apple pie recipe (a family secret) is still used and these crumbly, cooked to perfection confectioneries fly out the door every day. The Moose McGregor Desert Bakery is located in the tiny pit stop of Solitaire, a wacky and cool setting with derelict, old cars planted in the sand.

The Tug Restaurant

Restaurant, Contemporary

Ocean sunset in Swakopmund
© Heribert Bechen / Flickr
This famous seafood restaurant is constructed around an old oil-fired tugboat with sweeping views of the stunning Atlantic Ocean. The contemporary menu offers flavors from around the world and although specializing in ocean fare, such as west coast lobster, prawns, mussels, calamari, and oysters, there is also a great variety of meat, pasta, and vegetarian dishes on the menu. This fabulous spot with tabletop designs painted by famous Namibian artists combines excellent food with some of the best ocean views in the country to create an unforgettable dining experience.

Warehouse Theatre

Bar, Bistro, Contemporary

Beer on tap
© viganhajdari / Pixabay
This eclectic establishment in Windhoek stands as Namibia’s premier live-entertainment venue, where patrons can revel in an awesome night out. If you’re looking for a meal with a more informal vibe, then The Warehouse Theatre is the place to find it with light meals and flavorsome dishes that vary from time to time. To truly get a feel and taste of Windhoek, try the Warehouse Theatre, with food that ranges from pub-style dishes to snack platters and five-course meals.

Jetty 1905

Restaurant, Contemporary, Sushi

Jetty 1905
© Heribert Bechen / Flickr
With the sea breeze caressing your skin and the aroma of freshly grilled fish lingering in the air, there is simply no better place in Namibia than Jetty 1095 to enjoy a sundowner cocktail followed by a great meal. The clean-cut, contemporary restaurant exudes the freshness of the ocean, and as a bonus, is said to serve some of the best sushi available in Swakopmund. Here, ambiance and fabulous food unite in a heady mix that offers a sensory ride of a lifetime.

Street food in Katatura

Market, African

Katatura outdoor food market
© Fdimolloy / WikiCommons
Any food experience in Namibia can’t be called complete without spending a few hours in Single Quarters in Katatura. This open-air market sells typical traditional Namibian street food that is down-to-earth and tasty. One of the most popular street dishes is kapana, strips of meat that are cooked over an open flame and served hot with your choice of spice, usually chili. Don’t let the informal cooking surrounds put you off, as these street vendors know how to grill a tasty piece of meat.

JoJo's Music and Art Cafe

Restaurant, Fusion

Creating food art
© volchonok19955 / Pixabay

For art on a plate, head off to JoJo’s, where you will find not only great food, but also a laid-back atmosphere and an eclectic vibe. The emphasis on art in any form is big here, and the restaurant is considered Windhoek’s hippest creative culinary hotspot, uniting fine dining with creative and interesting cooking methods. JoJo’s is as close as it gets to food theater in Windhoek, so book a table and enjoy the show.

Picnic under an African sky

Grocery Store

Romantic picnic for two
© free images / Pixabay
Namibia has some of the most amazing landscapes in Africa that offer a feast for the eyes. For this reason, it is part of the Namibian experience to relax with an alfresco meal on a picnic blanket. No matter where you are in the country there is bound to be a spot where the views are endless and the surrounds romantic and peaceful. Begin your day with a sunrise breakfast or end it with a cozy outdoors gourmet dinner for two and wait for nature to put on its show.

Closwa Biltong Factory

Butcher, South African

© Meditations / Pixabay

Meat-loving foodies should head along to the Closwa Biltong Factory, which offers a mouth-watering variety of genuine Namibian biltong and dried sausage. These snacks are an all-time favorite in South Africa and Namibia, and at Closwa they are made of free-range beef or venison meat cuts that are cured in a unique blend of salt and other spices. There are a number of factory shop outlets throughout Namibia so there is no excuse not to try some delicious Namibian biltong.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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