7 Popular Facebook Pages in Malta You Need to Follow Right Now

Facebook graffiti
Facebook graffiti | © Katie Sayer / Flickr
Nicola Collins

There’s no two ways about it: Facebook use in Malta is phenomenal. With pages dedicated to just about every subject you can think of, having a Facebook page here is also essential to Maltese businesses – it comes as no surprise that according to recent statistics, Malta, the fifth smallest country in Europe, is the second biggest user of social media. Here’s our pick of the best pages around.


Facebook page exploring-malta follows ‘Flora the Explorer’ and her travels around the archipelago in the form of a personal blog as she meets with locals and interviews them along the way. Discovering places off the beaten track, Flora records her expeditions in photos and videos, giving an insight to experiences that can easily be missed when visiting the island. The whole page works in conjunction with the website of the same name, exploring-malta.com, which is full of blogs, news, and guest writer posts, and which is itself a sister website to directory-malta.com, a business directory run by Flora and partner Nick. Between them, if there’s anything Flora and Nick don’t know about Malta, it’s not worth knowing!


OIM – Only In Malta

Only In Malta

Malta Clean Up

Initially Malta Clean Up started out as a one-woman mission with a passion to not only tidy up Malta, but promote recycling, reduce waste and help save sea life from being injured by plastics that find their way into Maltese waters through human carelessness. Cami Appelgren is now a well-known name across the island for her relentless hard work in keeping Malta both a beautiful place to live and to visit. Now with a huge following and volunteers assisting across the island to help Cami with organised clean ups area by area, this lady instils the importance of keeping Malta beautiful through handy tips, alternatives to using plastic, and updates on areas that have been cleared by her, her children and the group’s volunteers.

Malta Clean Up

Bay Easy

This online radio station broadcasts from St. Julian’s, Malta, and showcases a mix of popular, contemporary and local tunes. It has its own Top 40 chart and Malta’s Top 10, in addition to reporting local entertainment news and regular interviews. The Bay Easy Facebook page has over 921,000 followers and is most popular for its short videos of beautiful scenes of Malta – lasting only a few seconds and posted on the day of filming, these attract views in their thousands which are in turn shared worldwide. Reporting on celebrities and local lighthearted stories, they are on a mission to share their love of the island.

Bay Easy

Wedding Talk – Malta

If you’re planning a wedding in Malta, this is the Facebook group to join as a discussion platform for asking questions, sharing photographs, and for honest reviews of users’ experiences. From wedding venues to dressmakers, from accessories to balloons, there is no question considered irrelevant (as long as it is wedding-related!). Members share photographs and snippets of videos from their big day, and wedding events across Malta and Gozo are listed regularly.

Maltese wedding

Holiday Malta

This is a closed Facebook group, but as the name suggests, if you’re thinking of holidaying in Malta, it’s well worth the request to join. Rather than run-of-the-mill holiday photographs, members share pictures of places they have visited across the island that have sparked their interest. Pictures of traditional dishes, typical street scenes, meeting locals, the island’s beautiful churches and much more fill the page shared by visitors from all over the world with a true love for Malta. Take the opportunity to enjoy short video blogs from across the island, and get a true feel of the archipelago through the eyes of its visitors.

Valletta 2018

Set up in 2011, this official Facebook page documents Valletta’s journey from application, preparation, and launch for becoming the latest Capital of Culture. Full of photographs of events that have taken place so far and sharing upcoming events, this is the best place to catch everything going on in the capital. The page captures festivals, art exhibitions, musical performances and makes for the perfect showcase of everything to enjoy about Valletta for both visitors and locals alike. The page is run by the Valletta 2018 Foundation, a body comprising the Inter-Ministerial Commission for the European Capital of Culture, the Chamber of Commerce, the University of Malta, the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts, Valletta Local Council and the Association of Local Councils, all of which make up its Board of Governors.

Valletta 2018
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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