7 Ways to Add Glitz to Your Space With This New Trend

Antique Brass Shelf Unit by MadamStoltz
Antique Brass Shelf Unit by MadamStoltz | © ARBOL House

From Salone del Mobile Milano to NYCxDesign, gold touches and finishes are all over the design scene this season.

While an entirely gold-clad room is not the coveted look, brass lighting and décor is definitely making its way up the trend charts. Here are some of our latest favorites in brass and gold designs, and ways you can get the look at home.

Try mixing earth elements with the gold tones

To tame the high-glamor effect of gold, add in some earth-based elements, like the design of these Hugo, Linda, and Albin lamps. The union of metal and concrete is a balanced blend that feels relaxed and goes easy on the senses.

Pair aged brass furniture with boho chic décor

Antique brass looks especially hip when incorporated into a bohemian chic décor palette. Mix up the surrounding décor with natural elements, like unfinished wood and wiry plants, and textured wall hangings.

Antique Brass Shelf Unit by MadamStoltz

Embrace brushed gold for a Scandinavian look

Brushed gold furniture paired with “greige” colors gives the room a minimalist look, so the trend doesn’t come off as overbearing.

Dining Table with Zinc Top and Brass Legs by House Doctor

Ditch the white or black picture frames and opt for a golden shade instead

But maybe you don’t want to throw out your existing frames just to get the golden hue? Simply purchase a can of gold spray paint and rub it lightly with a cloth before the paint completely dries.

Beyond Console Cover by LUXXU

Pair gold lighting fixtures (or chandeliers) with deep blue and white tones

Adding touches of gold really can bring a touch of royalty to any space, especially when paired with classic, rich colors.

Burj Pendant Cover by LUXXU

Add a gold-plated side table for an ultra-luxe look

Gold plating is the new “copper” for the season, and especially stands out against solid, primary colors.

Looks and products by LUXXU

Experiment with quirky candle holders

Spice things up with unusual gold or brass décor, like these Swedish, brass bird-leg candle holders. You don’t have to go all out for a pricey crystal and gold-plated chandelier when you can easily add some style with fun candle holders.

Bird Leg Gold Candlesticks
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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