8 Top Restaurants in Oslo with Outdoor Seating

Ekebergrestauranten | © Ekebergrestauranten

Outdoor seating in Norway is definitely a luxury – something that can only be enjoyed a couple of months a year (and even then, a blanket may be needed). But since Oslo has apparently been blessed with an unusually warm spring and summer so far, you should waste no time heading towards a restaurant with outdoor seating. We’ve shortlisted some of the best, where you can enjoy the food, the view and get your share of people-watching.


Restaurant, Northern European

The backyard at Kolonihagen, Courtesy of Kolonihagen
© Kolonihagen
Kolonihagen is located in the backyard of an old stable in Frogner. Its iconic beer garden is a great place for outdoor dining, drinking and socializing during the spring and summer months. The restaurant also comprises a bakery and deli, so you know the dishes you’ll enjoy here are made with top quality products.

Vippa Oslo

Food Court, African, Asian, South American, Middle Eastern

Oslos new food court | © Per Sollerman / Vippa Oslo
© Per Sollerman / Vippa Oslo

Syrian, Vietnamese, Thai, Ethiopian… The food offerings at Vippa Oslo are so diverse, it’s easy to forget you’re actually in Norway. This cool food-truck court down by the port not only supports immigrants and serves authentic food from their homelands, but is also a perfect place to hang out by the fjord when the weather is good.

BAR Vulkan

Bar, Restaurant, Contemporary

The terrace at BAR Vulkan, Courtesy of BAR Vulkan
© BAR Vulkan

BAR Vulkan, one of the branches of BAR Social Eating, lies on the edge of the Akerselva River in Vulkan. Its industrial chic atmosphere and sophisticated dishes paired with cool cocktails have made this place popular among the locals, but that’s not all it offers. On days with nice weather, you can sit on the patio or the terrace, which offers views to one of the hippest neighborhoods in Oslo.

The Fragrance of the Heart

Restaurant, Vegetarian

The Fragrance of the Heart is one of the first vegetarian restaurants in the city. Centrally located in Fridtjof Nansens Plass next to the City Hall, here you will find homemade pies, vegetable lasagna and hummus wraps, as well as freshly roasted brews with plant-based milks. Sit outside if you’re in the mood for some people-watching.

Egon (Karl Johan)

Restaurant, American

The facade of Egon at Karl Johan, Courtesy of Egon Karl Johan
© Egon Karl Johan

Speaking of people-watching, located at the ground floor of Paleet, Egon Karl Johan is the perfect place to see and be seen. Being part of the Egon restaurant chain, you know the food here will be good, whether you go for a burger or a salad. And the view from the center of Oslo’s beating heart is equally good.

Genki by Sabi

Restaurant, Asian

Sabi Omakase’s sister restaurant, Genki by Sabi, is a casual Japanese place that does bento boxes (which you can also take away) and other Izakaya-style dishes. Located in Vikaterrasen, Genki by Sabi is a great meeting place, especially when the weather allows.


Restaurant, European

Eating brunch outside at Grådi
Courtesy of Grådi

Grådi, in hip Tøyen, has something to offer for every hour of the day. You can come here for brunch in the sun (try the Eggs Benedict and pancakes), lunch (some lomper with duck, perhaps?) and dinner (with daily specials like Pho soup). Short for grådig, which means “greedy” in Norwegian, Grådi is bound to make you feel like you want a bit of everything.


Restaurant, European

The outdoor kitchen in Ekeberg
© Ekebergrestauranten

You probably already know that Ekeberg park offers breathtaking views of the city and the fjord. But did you know you can also find a state-of-the-art restaurant, perched on top of the hill? Ekebergrestauranten is a sophisticated choice for any time of the year, with its elegant banquet hall and quality ingredients. But when the weather allows it, it’s also a place to have dinner on the terrace, straight out of the outdoor kitchen and its wood-fired oven. The view of the city may distract you, but you’ll probably manage.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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