The Best Hotels in Bled, Slovenia

Lake Bled, in Slovenia, has become a popular minimoon destination
Lake Bled, in Slovenia, has become a popular minimoon destination | © Chon Kit Leong / Alamy Stock Photo
Iuliana Marchian

At the foot of the Julian Alps, Bled designates both the quaint town on the shore of the synonymous lake and the region surrounding it. For history aficionados, the castle in town, and the monastery on Bled Island, are remarkable sights. If you’re a nature lover, the remote and quiet villages, as well as lakeside establishments, are the best places to head to. Our number-one recommendation is to stay in a place with lake views, but there are good options in Bled town, too – within walking distance of the castle. Here is our list of the best hotels in Bled, Slovenia.

Grand Hotel Toplice – Sava Hotels & Resorts

Elegant Toplice Hotel is located on the shore of Lake Bled, with a marvellous view of the Julian Alps and Bled Castle. It’s upscale, with a private beach and boathouse, and occupies a well-to-do 19th-century building, oozing tradition and a special charm. Luxurious rooms feature rustic parquet floors, romantic furniture, and furnished balconies with glittery aquatic views. A refined restaurant delivers a different four-course menu each evening. Onsite, there’s also a cosy cafe, a lakeside lounge, and a summer-only terrace bar. The spa and wellness centre features an indoor pool with fresh thermal water, saunas, massages, and beauty treatments.

Hotel Vila Bled

Hotel Park – Sava Hotels & Resorts

Choose this unstuffy hotel, set on the promenade that hugs Lake Bled, and you’re a handy 1km (0.6mi) from Bled Castle. Water and wood feature large in the refurbishment of the property and rooms are laid-back, with mountain views, contemporary furnishings and soft textures, as well as lively prints. The overall effect is of urban elegance. There’s a casual cafe with outdoor seating, as well as a rustic bar and an informal restaurant. The wellness centre welcomes guests with sauna sessions, an indoor pool with lake views, a hot tub, and a gym.

Triglav Bled

Triglav Bled has been welcoming guests in refined spaces boasting handsome lake views since 1906. The bright and tastefully furnished rooms are warmly decorated with artwork and selected antique furniture in art deco style. You can even play a century-old piano in the lounge. The refined lake-view restaurant serves takes on traditional Slovenian dishes, while in the rustic wine cellar you can enjoy a glass of Slovenian wine or the house beer. To round off a rarefied experience, there’s a large garden and reading room, an indoor pool and spa services with a sauna.

Rikli Balance Hotel – Sava Hotels & Resorts

Rikli Balance is a relaxed spa hotel in a modern building with lake and park views. Each room has a story to tell – of the Carniolan honey bee, Gorenjska embroideries, honey dough hearts, or spruce from the Pokljuka plain (the relaxing Alpine or honey treatment is a must-try). There are three restaurants onsite, including a lakefront cafe and a bar, but there’s also a kids’ playground, and Bled‘s largest thermal pool complex, with saunas, hot tubs, indoor and outdoor geothermal pools.

Penzion Berc

Here’s a quaint boutique hotel – it took up residence in a converted barn in 1954 – with a relaxed garden. The look and atmosphere is charming chalet style, to judge by the wood-paneling and exposed stonework. There are 11 traditional, rustically informed rooms that burst with colourful flowers on balconies and also have state-of-the-art gadgetry. There’s a seasonal outdoor kitchen in the garden, while the restaurant turns out delicious dishes based on local products and ingredients.

Bled Rose Hotel

Here is a cosy lodging with views of waters and peaks, which is a leisurely stroll from the castle. Modern elegance blends with retro charm, and in bright rooms luxurious materials ooze vibrant colours. There’s an indoor pool, with a gym, a spa, and saunas. The warmly decorated restaurant with a seasonal outdoor terrace combines modern trends with traditional Slovenian cuisine. Try the original Bled Rose slice at the lounge bar and bask in the view.

Vila Prešeren

Prešeren is a stylish water’s-edge villa dating back to the 19th century. An easy walk from the castle, it has the stunning outlook over the lake and peaks you came to Bled for. Eight comfortable, modern rooms display a broad palette of colours while saluting Slovenian traditions with hefty wood furnishings. The stylish restaurant with lounge and lakeside terrace goes big on contemporary, light cuisine with a touch of the Mediterranean – risottos, pastas, and desserts are a delight here. For a special treat, request your dinner on a traditional pletna boat moored on the pier, looking back at the hotel in the romantic fading light.

For more great hotel options in Slovenia, check out our pick of the best hotels in Ljubljana, bookable on Culture Trip.

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