How to Get This Season's Bohemian Chic Look at Home

Boho Luxe Living Room
Boho Luxe Living Room | © norsu interiors

Here are seven ways you can lighten up the home with this season’s décor trend: modern bohemian chic.

Summertime is the season to throw off the heavy fabrics and richly colored drapes, and literally lighten up. With the onset of printed bikinis, strappy sandals, and an uptake in frozen drinks in a general sun-drenched malaise (hey, a girl can dream), it’s apropos to freshen things up on the home front, too.

Ethnic pattern, wall mural

1. Try the minimalist boho chic look by mixing textures

The bohemian chic look is all about a laid-back approach to living. Take the minimalist look below: frameless black and white prints hung at various spots for a collage look, mixed throws and fabrics to adorn the white linen couch, and subtle touches of greenery (ivy plants, in this case). For this look, it’s all about mixing your textures against a stark white palette.

Boho luxe living room

2. Bring aspects of nature into your home via wallpaper

Showcasing wallpaper in a frame is one way to enhance your space without committing to a full-on wall. Monstera Leaf Print wallpaper by Woodchip and Magnolia is an easy way to bring foliage into your home without worrying about having to water it throughout the season.

Monstera Leaf Print Wallpaper on Pink Plaster Background

3. Add pops of emerald-blue green

Emerald green—in this case, the velvet show sofa above or the retro-inspired lampshade below—help to add a little exotic, bohemian flair to your living space without things becoming monotone. Pair the look with fresh flowers (sunflowers look especially lovely next to this color) in either white or Spanish tiled vases for the boho look.

‘Birds Of Paradise’ lamp

4. Pair pastels with “nature” prints

When you think of pastels, “boho living” doesn’t necessarily come to mind, but it’s all about what you pair it with. Keep it light for summer with soft pastels (baby pinks and light blues) mixed with elements of the natural world. In this case, the Meraki Designer Concrete Botanical Wallpaper by Woodchip & Magnolia gives the space a feminine, rustic look with laid-back vibes.

Meraki designer concrete botanical wallpaper

5. Think big on green design

The Flower Power lamp below is (admittedly) high-end décor, but it just goes to show how elements of nature can impact your living space in a big way. Fresh colorful flowers, succulents, and cacti paired with muted wood furniture is another way you can approach this look.

Modern dining room with table and floor hardwood

6. Choose lighter wood furniture and décor

The modern bohemian chic look is definitely minimalist at its core while still maintaining those emerald pops, textures, and textiles. The look below goes light on color, but the statement here is the choice of wood. The lighter wood makes the room look breezy and comfortable, without being too imposing on the senses.

Lighter wood makes the room look breezy

7. Add a touch of vintage metals and textiles to the mix

Retro-inspired wallpaper may be at the heart of the look below, but the thought remains the same. Consider adding rustic metal elements to the room, either through prints and wallpaper, white-sprayed painted tins, or copper cups and homeware.

Antique tin-tiles feature wall wallpaper in grey
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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