Must-Follow Fashion Bloggers From Texas

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Hannah Phillips

The Lone Star State is full of fashionistas and jet-setters taking the internet by storm with their travel tips and trendy advice. Whether you’re in the market for style inspiration, how to dress for your body type, or creative DIYs, read our guide to the best Texas fashion bloggers you should follow.

Camille Styles

One of Austin’s most popular bloggers, Camille Styles and her team cover everything from Austin beauty and style trends to DIY wreath-making with local florist Bricolage Curated Florals.

Nicole Seligman

Courtney Kerr

No list of Texas fashion bloggers would be complete without Courtney Kerr, reality TV-star-turned-lifestyle-mogul and YouTube queen. Known as much for her travel tips as her style suggestions, this jet-setting Dallas fashionista will influence your next favorite outfit or adventure – or both.

Valery Brennan

Inspired by style icons David Bowie, Joan Holloway, and Kelly Kapowski (every ’90s kid idol), Valery Brennan records her route to “self-discovery and a fabulous wardrobe” on her eponymous blog. Her photos are mesmerizing, and aspiring bloggers should check out her Pinterest coaching course.

Mars Saunders

Frequently featuring fantastic giveaways, Mars Saunders shares her personal style, beauty tips, home décor, and Houston lifestyle tips at Simply Mars – so much more than a mommy blog.

Alice Kerley

Southern girl Alice Kerley shares her favorite fashion finds, style tips, and travel adventures in Texas and beyond over on her blog, Lone Star Looking Glass. Best feature? You can shop her look directly from her Instagram feed and website.

Christina Coker

The title of Christina Coker’s blog, Champagne Taste Beer Budget should tell you everything you need to know about her down-to-earth style and approachable fashion tips. The San Antonio resident describes her blog as “a little bit of fashion, the local scene, mommy hood and life in general.”

Tori Johnson

With a strong PR background, fashion and lifestyle blogger Tori Johnson writes about San Antonio style on her blog, The sTORIbook. In 2015, she served on Neiman Marcus’ Women Who Rock panel, and her tips range from the latest beauty trends for women, to weeknight meal tips and fabulous fashion-forward kids’ looks.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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