Seattle Mariners Selling Toasted Grasshoppers at Games

Grasshoppers are a popular food item in Mexico and Central America
Grasshoppers are a popular food item in Mexico and Central America | © Flickr/Verino77

The days of hot dogs, burgers, Cracker Jack, cotton candy and peanuts at baseball stadiums are long gone. Each year Major League Baseball teams come out with new, eye-catching and mouth-watering concoctions to offer to their patrons.

From sushi to pulled pork sandwiches and crab cakes, ballpark food is always evolving. Safeco Field, home to the Seattle Mariners, has taken its menu one step further. This season, grasshoppers headline the menu.

You read that correctly.

Known as chapulines, these grasshoppers are popular in Mexico and Central America. They are toasted and tossed in chili lime salt. An order of chapulines at Safeco Field costs $4.

Studies have shown grasshoppers and insects have nutritional value. A 3.5 ounce serving of grasshoppers can contain 14-28 grams of protein. Grasshoppers and crickets are also a good source of unsaturated fats.

So, would you skip the hot dog and order the grasshoppers next time you’re at the ballpark?

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