The 10 Best Hotels in Kharkov, Ukraine

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Maria Sibirtseva

The former capital of Ukraine, Kharkov, is among must-visit cities when travelling through the country. Tourists are offered a wide variety of options on where to stay, starting from small boutique apartments in the historical part of the city to the countryside spa and wellness complexes. Here’s the list of the best hotels to book for your trip.

Hotel 19, Kharkov

Independent Hotel

Hotel 19, Kharkov

Located in a cosy yard of Kharkov’s historical city centre, Hotel 19 is just a three-minute walk from the Kharkov National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. This ancient mansion keeps the traditions of hospitality since the 19th century. The wooden staircase, spacious lounge and elegant rooms make the hotel unique. Its restaurant offers a wide selection of dishes of traditional Ukrainian, Japanese, French and Italian cuisine. The staff is friendly and polite and the building itself is clean and homey.

Merkuriy, Kharkov

Independent Hotel

Merkuriy, Kharkov

Mercury Hotel welcomes guests since 2014. It lies in the park zone 6.2 miles (10 km) away from the city centre. The rooms are decorated in a classical style and offer all the necessary facilities for a comfortable stay. In the summertime, you can enjoy the unique atmosphere of the restaurant with swimming pools or spend winter evenings in the exquisite Panorama restaurant on the 5th floor of the Mercury Hotel. In addition, a continental breakfast is served daily at the Mercury Café.

Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv, Kharkov

Hotel, Bed and Breakfast

Premier Palace Hotel Kharkiv, Kharkov

The legendary 5-star hotel in the heart of the city was the first hotel of its kind in Kharkov. There are 180 rooms, including the presidential apartments. The gem of the hotel is its restaurants, each of them unique in its own way. The 11th floor is occupied by one of the best restaurants in the former Ukrainian capital Sky Lounge. Premier Palace Hotel also has a Scentreter with a swimming pool, gym and beauty salon. Under the hotel, there is a two-level parking garage.

Gostiny Dvor Hotel, Kharkov

Independent Hotel

Gostiny Dvor Hotel, Kharkov

The location of the Gostinii Dvor is perfect for those who come to Kharkov for the first time. It is a short walking distance from the main attractions of the city such as Kharkov Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, Sumska street, Mirror Stream fountain, Cascade Fountain in the Taras Shevchenko Park and many others. There are only 9 rooms, but all of them are exquisitely decorated and furnished. On the territory of the hotels, there’s a wonderful restaurant of French cuisine, which will please you with an abundance of delicious dishes.

Kiroff Hotel, Kharkov

Independent Hotel, Business Hotel

Kiroff Hotel, Kharkov

Kiroff Hotel is the best choice in terms of price and quality. There are 36 modern cosy rooms and a spa centre that offers wellness programs with various massage techniques. There’s also a cosy restaurant, Bon Vivant, which offers a wide choice of home-cooked dishes of Italian and French cuisine. Another advantage of the hotel is the short distance to the railway station — 3 miles (5 km), and only 6.8 miles (11.5 km) to the airport of Kharkov.

Baden-Baden, Kharkov

Garden Hotel

Baden-Baden, Kharkiv

In the countryside of Kharkov is a beautiful complex called Baden Baden. The hotel is equipped with the latest technology of service and security, offering high-quality accommodation. The complex has a 24-hour lobby bar, a restaurant with European and Caucasian cuisine and barbecue area with children’s playground. During the warm season, one can spend time on the summer terrace — made of separately covered pavilions — as well as a beach with sun loungers.

De Gaulle Boutique Hotel, Kharkov

Boutique Hotel

De Gaulle Boutique Hotel, Kharkov

The highlight of the De Gaulle Boutique Hotel is that all rooms are decorated with a unique style. It has a European cuisine restaurant with a summer terrace which holds continental breakfast every morning. The bar offers a wide range of alcoholic beverages. Guests of the hotel are provided with a business centre, a meeting room and a range of other services, namely, dry cleaning and 24-hour guarded parking.

IRIS art HOTEL, Kharkov

Boutique Hotel, Spa Hotel

IRIS art HOTEL, Kharkov

Iris Art Hotel is a place to relax with body and soul. Beautiful interior, high level of service and convenient location are not the only positive moments of it. The hotel has both classical Russian and ultramodern Finnish sauna and a niche of Himalayan salt, which enhances the already positive effect of the procedure on your body. Among the nearby attractions, it is worth mentioning the Metallist Stadium (the main sports arena of the city), is just a five-minute walk from here.

Guesthouse Nasha Dacha, Kharkiv

Garden Hotel

Guesthouse Nasha Dacha, Kharkiv

Nasha Dacha Country Estate is a great weekend getaway destination for romantic couples, cheerful companies or families with children. There are fascinating landscapes, fresh air, ecologically clean forest zones and an absolutely warm and homely atmosphere. Nasha Dacha offers two kinds of rooms. The first is standard rooms comfortable single rooms, with a beautiful view and exit to the terrace.

Superior Golf & SPA Resort, Kharkiv

Spa Hotel

Superior Golf & SPA Resort, Kharkiv
Superior Golf & SPA Resort

This amazing place is located just 15 minute away from the city of Kharkov. The hotel includes the whole range of room categories, from classical to presidential suite. Its territory consists of a wellness centre, gym, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, steam baths, massage rooms, business centre, solarium, beauty salon and lobby bar. Guests have the opportunity to play not only golf but also tennis. It is easy to fall in love with Superior Golf & SPA Resort because it is one and only golf resorts in Ukraine.

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