The 6 Best Events Happening in Washington This Summer

Bumbershoot crowd
Bumbershoot crowd | © Kayla Johnson / Flickr
Samantha Ladwig

The clouds have parted, and Washingtonians are finally getting outside not only for some much-needed vitamin D but also to attend some fantastic events.

It’s no surprise that summers in the Evergreen State are some of the best in the nation. Seattleites actually put up with an average of 150 days of rain every year simply because summers in Washington are unbeatable.

Up in the northwesternmost section of the country, not only are the daylight hours longer, but the nights are also cooler. Plus, humidity and temperatures are relatively low. Basically, it has the perfect conditions for festival throwers and event planners to organize exciting activities. Below are six of the best summer events happening across Washington State in summer 2018.


Seattle’s annual three-day-long Bumbershoot Festival hits Seattle Center on August 31st. Fittingly named after the informal term for “umbrella,” Bumbershoot is on its 47th year, and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down. From musicians like J. Cole and Fleet Foxes to comedians such as Emily Heller and Sam Jay to conversations with educator Nikkita Oliver, the Emerald City music and art fest is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Bite of Seattle

The annual Emerald City food festival, the Bite of Seattle, will kick off its weekend-long celebration on July 20th. Established in the Green Lake neighborhood, the Bite of Seattle quickly moved to the Seattle Center because its attendance exceeded the neighborhood’s capacity. Nowadays, the festival that hosts hundreds of thousands of people from all over offers a variety of food trucks and stands occupied by local establishments, each station offering a variety of sweet, savory or spicy dishes. Enjoy each plate while listening to one of the many music groups performing throughout the venue.

Saint James Faire at Camlann Medieval Village

This summer, step back in time at the popular living history museum Camlann Medieval Village, out in Carnation, Washington. Established in 1981 by the Camlann Medieval Association, the museum showcases life in England during 1376. The village puts on a series of seasonal festivals year-round, and on July 28th, the village will conduct its annual two-day Saint James Faire.

Stroll through the forested village, and observe ironworkers and basket makers craft supplies for the community. Watch knights combat, and eat a 14th-century meal at the Bors Hede. The Camlann Medieval Village is a perfect destination for those looking to put their phones away and learn a little something out of the ordinary.

Capitol Hill Block Party

The Capitol Hill Block Party is one of Seattle’s most exciting festivals to exist. The annual event that started as a one-day celebration has since grown to take over an entire weekend in July. It’s an intimate community affair. Stages stand in the center of the neighborhood’s main streets with performers like Perfume Genius, Angel Olsen, Atmosphere, and MGMT booming into the local shops and apartment buildings. Ripe with up-and-coming musicians of a variety of genres, 2018’s lineup, scheduled for July 20th through the 22nd, includes Father John Misty, Dillon Francis, and Betty Who, just to name a few.

Port Townsend’s Wooden Boat Festival

Out on the Olympic Peninsula sits the small Victorian-style tourist hub of Port Townsend. And every year, for the past 40 years, it puts on one of the biggest wooden boat festivals in the world. Set for September 7th through the 9th, Wooden Boat Festival is perfect for boat enthusiasts, woodworkers, and water lovers.

The weekend-long event isn’t just for staring at beautifully crafted vessels either; it’s also chock-full of educational presentations that offer insight into the process of crafting wooden boats, canoes, and paddleboards. With so much going on, there’s never a dull moment at the Wooden Boat Festival.

Pig Out in the Park

Spokane is host to a number of unique events like Hoopefest, the weekend-long three-on-three basketball tournament, and the Spokane Highland Games, a Scottish festival complete with bagpipes and dancing. But its most praised festival may be the annual Pig Out in the Park celebration. The six-day event that begins on August 29th offers close to 50 different food stands, local art, and free music by performers like Seattle artist Sir Mix-a-Lot and ’90s alternative band Dishwalla. Pig Out in the Park is a tasty celebration sure to please the whole family.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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