The Best Backpacker Hostels in Wanaka, New Zealand

Wanaka, New Zealand
Wanaka, New Zealand | © Danny Postma/Unsplash
Thalita Alves

Whether you’re backpacking around the South Island or you’re travelling through New Zealand on a tight budget, Wanaka has a great selection of low-cost accommodation options you can choose from. As you venture into this incredibly picturesque lake town, these are some of the great hostels you’ll be able to check into.


Base Backpackers Wanaka
© Base Backpackers Wanaka/

Great lake and mountain views, lots of shared spaces to mingle with like-minded travellers, plus a handy location to the town’s best shops and cafes are some of Base Backpackers Wanaka’s strongest suits. The hostel’s rooms are spread around two floors, and there’s a shared kitchen with a balcony upstairs for those wanting to soak up those wonderful vistas. Other noteworthy facilities include a cafe and bar, TV room with DVD hire, and an internet cafe with wireless internet capabilities.


Wanaka Bakpaka is a budget-friendly hostel that feels like a peaceful holiday home. It boasts being the only hostel in town right next to the lake, making it the ideal place to watch the sunset after a busy day of adventures. Private rooms feature all your basic essentials, including ensuite bathrooms as well as free linen and WiFi, while the mixed and single-sex dorms are fitted with bunk beds and can accommodate up to six people.


Set in what was once a family home on a quiet, residential street, Holly’s Backpackers is the ideal choice for those wanting to escape the typical tourist rush. Wanaka’s main shopping area is just a stone’s throw away, and the lakefront is conveniently located within a couple of blocks’ walking distance. There’s also a shared BBQ area, communal lounge and a sheltered garden where you can unwind and socialise with other guests.

Hotel, Resort

YHA Wanaka Backpackers
© YHA Wanaka Backpackers/
YHA Wanaka looks and feels like a quiet ski resort. There’s a supermarket right next door if you want to lower your food expenses, and the hostel also has its own herb garden and a large shared kitchen that’s fully equipped for all kinds of culinary pursuits. Movies are played regularly on the communal lounge and the hostel also offers assistance with travel and activity bookings.

Hostel, Hotel

The centrally-based Flying Kiwi offers quite a good base for exploring Wanaka’s top must-dos. Facilities cover all your basic living needs, from extra blankets and wireless internet to a fully equipped kitchen with complimentary tea, coffee and sugar. The hostel also offers bike hire services for those eager to explore the local cycling trails.

Budget Hotel, Hotel

Mountain View is a friendly little backpacker hostel that enjoys a peaceful location that’s close to everything in town, from local activities to various shops, cafes and restaurants. Communal areas like the kitchen and lounge give this hostel a special homely feel, while the modern room facilities offer everything you could possibly ask for after an action-packed day.

Hostel, Lodge

Matterhorn South Lodge and Backpackers
© Ruth Hartnup/Flickr
Matterhorn South is unique in that it’s split up into two distinct areas: the lodge building, which consists of private rooms with ensuite bathrooms, a large communal kitchen and BBQ areas; and the low-key backpacker building with shared dorms, a cosy lounge and spacious dining room. A gas fire warms up the premises in the crisp winter months, while summer promises plenty of sunny vistas out on the deck.
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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