The Best Hotels In Colaba For Every Budget

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Sridevi Nambiar

If you are visiting Mumbai, chances are that Colaba leads your list of neighborhoods to explore. With its iconic drinking and food joints, historical significance, artistic offerings, and as home to the city’s most iconic shopping stretch – the Colaba causeway – Colaba is the place to be. So why not just stay in this exciting neighborhood during your Mumbai stay? To help you out, we’ve handpicked the best hotels here for travelers on every budget.

The Taj Mahal Palace

Business Hotel, Spa Hotel, Luxury, Chain Hotel, Hotel

The Taj Mahal Palace is much more than just a luxury hotel, being a Mumbai landmark. A stay at this famous, sea-facing century-old hotel will be a defining Mumbai experience. The intricately designed rooms open to views of the Arabian Sea and of the Gateway of India. The upscale hotel comes with 11 upscale restaurants and bars, as well as a spa, a beauty salon, an outdoor pool, a fitness room, and a luxury shopping zone.

Price: Luxury

The Gordon House Hotel

Boutique Hotel, Independent Hotel, Homestay, Bed and Breakfast, Business Hotel, Hotel

This stylish, luxurious boutique hotel is tucked away deep within the cramped streets of Colaba. With rooms individually furnished in Mediterranean, Scandinavian, or country style and equipped with free Wi-Fi, TV, and complimentary tea/coffee-making facilities, there is no way you can go wrong with choosing The Gordon House Hotel. Café Havana – the hotel’s Cuban-themed café/bar – is a hit among locals and the ideal place to end your day.

Price: Luxury

Vivanta by Taj, President

Spa Hotel, Hotel

Stylish indoor lobby at President, Mumbai featuring marble columns, orange and blue chairs and modern light installations
Courtesy of President, Mumbai - IHCL SeleQtions /

This luxury business hotel’s stylish rooms come with free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, minibars, tea and coffee-making equipment, and 24/7 room service. The hotel has 2 restaurants, a bar and a deli, plus a pool, a gym, and a spa on-site. The hotel’s bar, Wink, might just be one of the hippest places to grab drinks on a Friday night in Colaba.

Price: Luxury

Hotel Fariyas

Boutique Hotel

Just off of Colaba Causeway, and less than a 15-minute walk from the Gateway of India, Hotel Fariyas offers comfortable rooms with complimentary Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, minibars, tea and coffee-making facilities, as well as 24/7 room service. An upgrade may get you a view of the Arabian Sea. There’s also an in-house restaurant, a poolside grill, a café, a bar, indoor and outdoor pools, as well as a fitness room.

Price: Moderate

Hotel Godwin

Hotel, Boutique Hotel, Bed and Breakfast

The hotel’s open-air rooftop restaurant is its primary highlight. But with functioning free Wi-Fi, clean furnished and air-conditioned rooms complete with minibars and satellite TV – this hotel is also equipped to ensure your stay is comfortable. Should you choose to forego the culinary treasures offered by Colaba and spend a lazy day within your hotel, the ground floor restaurant serving authentic Mughlai cuisine will serve you well.

Price: Low- Moderate

Carlton Hotel


If you’re a backpacker wishing to stay in a hotel instead of the standard hostel or couchsurfing option, this is where to go in Colaba. Right behind the Taj Mahal Palace, and tucked in between some of Colaba’s most exciting backstreets, Carlton Hotel offers cheap, clean rooms. There are rooms with and without air-conditioning and private bathrooms for you to choose depending on your budget.
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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