The Best Places to Stay in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Bydgoszcz | © Hotel Zawisza

With its gorgeous canals, Bydgoszcz is Poland’s answer to Venice and is an up-and-coming tourist destination, complete with great bars, cafes and sights to keep everyone entertained. There is so much to love about this city, which sits on the Brda River, and its hotels are no exception. Here are some of the best places to rest your head.

Bydgoszcz, Poland

Hotel Przystań Bydgoszcz

Boutique Hotel

Przystań_Bydgoszcz_ Pit1233
© Pit1233 / WikiCommons

With a prime location in the heart of Bydgoszcz, on the island Wyspa Młyńska, Hotel Przystan is a gem of a place to stay. The building itself is admirable, with its curved roof and grassy exterior. The Hotel’s bright and casual rooms are decorated with wood furnishings and the breakfast buffet is complimentary. The Hotel is just a seven minute walk from the Old Market Square and outdoor activities are easily accessible. Due to its riverside location, renting kayaks and canoes is easy, and there is an exercise room and sauna onsite. There is also free WiFi throughout the building and a cosy restaurant/bar/cafe with a view overlooking the river.

Hotel Zawisza, Bydgoszcz


Hotel Zawisza
© Hotel Zawisza

Hotel Zawisza is a superb relaxing hotel on the outskirts of Bydgoszcz. The hotel is in the sports complex area, meaning visitors are close to the football and athletics track, as well as a health and fitness centre. WiFi is available throughout the hotel, which also has the bonus of free parking. There are free newspapers in the lobby, rooms are very spacious and clean and a breakfast buffet is included in the room price.

Hotel Bohema, Bydgoszcz


Hotel Bohema is a charming little place in Bydgoszcz and certainly lives up to its name. Rooms are indeed Bohemian looking and the hotel’s exterior has a retro feel to it. Inside, a delightful bar, portraying a taste of Polish, Slovak and Czech art on the walls, serves up beer and coffee. There is an indoor swimming pool, WiFi throughout, air conditioning and tea/coffee in every room.

Hotel Klub Restauracja Kuźnia, Bydgoszcz


Hotel Kuźnia makes for a stylish option on Ulica Gdańska and attempts to break the mould of chain hotels with basic rooms. The hotel resembles English Tudor architecture on the outside and has a cool, cave-style bar and restaurant, pool tables inside. You’ll also find a live music club with regular concerts. It’s a small hotel with just 14 rooms, but each of them have free WiFi and bottled water. Breakfast is extra.

Hotel "Pod Orlem" in Bydgoszcz, Bydgoszcz


As a member of the Focus Hotel Group, this hotel in Bydgoszcz is perfect for a business stay. Each cosy room has WiFi, and there is a business centre and space for conferences. The venue has 75 rooms spanning five floors, and the larger and more premium rooms all include breakfast. Its location on Ulica Gdanska is also favourable and there is available parking.

Açai Hostel, Bydgoszcz


The best option for backpackers and hostel lovers in Bydgoszcz is the Hostel Açai, which has cosy rooms and a real social feel about it. It is a good place to meet like-minded tourists and also is a relatively cheap option. Rooms are bright and spacious with art on the walls. The hostel has free WiFi, a shared kitchen and shared bathroom facilities.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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