The Best Rooftop Hangouts in Asheville, North Carolina

Winter Garden at Biltmore
Winter Garden at Biltmore | © bradloeger/Flickr
Shawndra Russell

One of Asheville’s nicknames is Land of the Sky, which means that savvy business owners have taken advantage of the city’s natural beauty and temperate climate by installing rooftop bars or restaurants throughout the city. Given the outdoorsy nature of most residents, they would probably say more rooftop businesses would be a welcome addition to the following list of best rooftop hangouts in Asheville.

The Montford Rooftop Bar

Atop the Hyatt Place in downtown Asheville sits The Montford, an independent restaurant which boasts one of the best sunset views in town. Yet, this tiny place can get packed for this daily rooftop ritual, so get there early to grab a spot. It does cut off people from the lobby if the bar becomes too full, which happens with regularity right before sunset.

The Montford, 199 Haywood Street, Asheville, NC, Asheville, NC +1 828 505-8750

Top of the Monk

The top floor of Thirsty Monk has been brought to life as a speakeasy, fitting since North Carolina law requires bars that do not serve food must require patrons to become members for a $1 fee. Play along and head inside to taste some of the best cocktails in town, but bring your patience as it takes its craft seriously. Then, head out to its small rooftop courtyard, which looks over South Slope and rarely gets too crowded.

Top of the Monk, 92 Patton Ave, Asheville, NC +1 828 254 5470

Social Lounge

Another tucked-away rooftop lives at The Social Lounge, a fabulous cocktail bar that feels like your own private oasis in the middle of downtown. Folks love their late-night and brunch menus, which have upscale touches on favorites like truffled popcorn or house vegan primavera fritters for their marinara hoagie.

Social Lounge, 29 Broadway St, Asheville, NC +1 828 575-9005

Biltmore Estate

Technically, guests can’t hang out on the Biltmore Estate rooftops at their leisure. Instead, visitors can upgrade their tickets to include a sights-filled rooftop tour that gives guests a whole new perspective of this grand estate. The pictures guests capture from up on the roof that spans the home’s four acres of floor space are often remarkable shots.

Biltmore Estate, 1 Lodge St, Asheville, NC +1 800 411-3812

Winter Garden at Biltmore

Pillar Rooftop Libations

Many of the newer or renovated hotels in Asheville have made the inclusion of a rooftop hangout a priority, and the Hilton Garden Inn has created its own version with a botanical slant. Hours run from 4 pm to 12 am daily and a free shuttle runs to and from the hotel for Pillar guests.

Pillar Rooftop Libations, 309 College Street, 6th Floor, Asheville, NC +1 828 575-1188

Highland Brewing Co.

Highland, Asheville’s original brewery, installed a rooftop bar in recent years, creating an entirely separate hangout space apart from its main tasting room and outdoor music and events space. This rooftop is a little bit more modern than the rest of Highland and is in a peaceful location practically on its own, yet just minutes from downtown.

Highland Brewing Co., 12 Old Charlotte Hwy, Asheville, NC +1 828 299-3370


Skybar unabashedly claims it is the best mountain-viewing bar, so see for yourself what this coffee cafe and craft cocktail spot is all about. Regardless of who wins the best views battle, signature and classic cocktails plus dozens of wines and beers always go well with mountains.

SkyBAR, 18 Battery Park Ave, Asheville, NC +1 828 258-1058

Capella on 9

Lastly, if you’re looking to wine and dine someone special or just want to live it up a little, head to Capella on 9. This tapas eatery also provides dramatic sunset views paired with a glitzy theme that includes features like a long gas fireplace and large columns that break up the floor space. Pick a few dishes to share among the table, then kick back and watch the sun disappear behind the mountains.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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