The Colorful Autumn: Anykščiai Treetop Walkway

Anykščiai | © Juris Kraulis / Shutterstock
Kasparas Asmonaitis

Forests in Lithuania become even more stunning during autumn when the leaves change color – for those who love walking in the woods and enjoying nature, it’s one of the best times to visit. There are many brilliant spots in Lithuania, but Anykščiai treetop walkway is a favored destination. Here’s your ultimate guide.


Anykščiai treetop walkway was opened in 2015 and became the first treetop walkway in the Baltic States. It is 300 meters (984 feet) long, with a huge 35 meter (115 feet)-high watchtower by the end of the road. At least 500 people can use this walkway at the same time and it is estimated that 11,000 nature lovers tried Anykščiai treetop walkway during the first weekend of opening. Even Lithuanian president, Dalia Grybauskaitė, participated in the opening ceremony, showing everyone how important this is for Lithuania.


The colorful autumn


There are plenty of different types of trees and bushes growing in Lithuania, and you can find most of them in Anykščiai. Walking through the tops of pines, oaks, spruces, birches, rowans, maples, and trembling aspens is a great way to experience Lithuanian nature. For those keen to take in more of Lithuania’s beautiful forests, a visit to the saint oaks, some 300 meters (984 feet) away from Anykščiai treetop walkway, is sure to impress.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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