The Top Things To Do And See In Charlotte

Shay Lee

The Huffington Post claims that Charlotte is a city that’s only good for young professionals and anyone in banking. However, this isn’t true. Charlotte is loaded with places that will tell visitors about North Carolina’s history and world facts. The city also offers a variety of cultural activities, sporting events, and excellent dining, nightlife and shopping venues. Take a look at our list of the top things to do and see in Charlotte.

NASCAR Hall of Fame

NASCAR Hall of Fame

Building, Museum, Shop

NASCAR Hall of Fame

NASCAR Hall of Fame is a 150,000 square feet building dedicated to honoring NASCAR’s (The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) history and heritage. The museum educates and entertains fans with artifacts, interactive exhibits, and a state-of-the-art theatre. There is a grand ballroom for banquets and performances. Visitors can get some food and buy NASCAR gear at Buffalo Wild Wings and the Gear Shop. The shop pays homage to icons, drivers, crew members, and team owners. NASCAR has a Facebook page for the fans that allows them to interact with each other, share knowledge about events and sport, and ask questions about the organization.

400 E Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Charlotte, NC, USA +1 704 654 4400

Levine Museum of the New South


Levine Museum of the New South
© James Willamore/Wikicommons
Levine Museum works to educate people about the diverse history of the South after the Civil War. The focus is on Charlotte and Carolina Piedmont’s progression. History is brought to live through the museum’s efforts to collect, preserve, and interpret the materials, sights, sounds, and ideas of Southern culture. The place provides opportunities for lifelong learning, enjoyment and thoughtful discussions about history. The interactive character of the museum allows visitors to learn about the experience of women, men, children, black, white, rich, poor, longtime residents and newcomers in history. The place honors everyone who was part of the history of the South and made it what it is today.

Calvary Church


Calvary Church works to edify the community, care for the needs of others, and evangelize the world. The church emphasizes the purpose of following and worshiping God. To support the faith, there are daily and weekly adult life groups, classes, and small group meetings. Calvary Church strongly encourages people of all ages to worship God in one place and make Him the center of their life. The church gives money and support to those in need. Whether you’re a believer or not, the church’s impressive modern religious architecture is definitely worth a visit.

Hearst Tower

Hearst Tower in Charlotte | © Chuck Allen/Wikicommons
© Chuck Allen/Wikicommons

Hearst Tower

On November 14, 2002, the Hearst Tower opened its doors to Charlotte. The famous building has forty-six floors with a height of 201 meters and contains 970,002 square feet of rental space. Charlotte’s fourth tallest building hosts stores, law offices, major corporations, restaurants, and banks. Bank of America operates offices in the building and will be doing so until 2022. The Hearst Tower’s architecture blends bands of glass with piers of stone and concrete. The reverse floorplate design gives the tower a distinctive flared out appearance towards the top.

214 N Tryon St, Charlotte, NC, USA +1 704 887 1200

Hearst Tower in Charlotte | © Chuck Allen/Wikicommons

TPC at Piper Glen

TPC at Piper Glen

TPC (Tournament Players Club) at Piper Glen offers golf, tennis, fitness, and swimming facilities ideal for those who love being physically active. The golf course is used for golf tournaments and was designed by Arnold Palmer, a retired professional golfer. The PGA Tour often holds tournaments on the course, which contributes to its fame. In 2007, the course was sold to the Heritage Golf Group but retained the TPC license. Although TPC at Piper Glen is a professional golf course, it welcomes Charlotte’s neighbors and visitors. Throughout the year, the facility holds social events and activities for the community.

4300 Piper Glen Dr, Charlotte, NC, USA +1 704 846 1212

Tremont Music Hall


Tremont Music Hall

Tremont Music Hall opened in 1995 and continues to be a local favorite entertainment venue. Aside from hosting concerts, the venue features a full-service bar. Tremont Music Hall has a Main Hall located on the North Side of the building used for large touring acts. There are PA/monitors and light systems, full sized dressing rooms, height loading docks, and floors for the audience. Music lovers will be able to come here to enjoy national and international acts, with music genres that range from hip-hop to heavy metal. Famous singers and bands such as Iggy Pop and Green Day have played here.

400 W Tremont Ave, Charlotte, NC, USA +1 704 343 9494

The Billy Graham Library

Building, Library

Billy Graham Library and Grounds | © MattKeegan/Wikicommons
© MattKeegan/Wikicommons

The Billy Graham Library

On June 5, 2007, the Billy Graham Library was created to commemorate the life of evangelist, Billy Graham. Built a few miles from Graham’s childhood home, the 40,000 square foot building is styled in the form of a dairy barn similar to the one in which Graham was raised. There is a mechanical talking cow that tells the wonders of his life. Visitors to the library can view the presentations, pictures, music and artifacts from the time of Graham’s ministry. There is a special gallery dedicated to his wife, Ruth Bell Graham, who passed away in 2007. Her resting place is the Prayer Garden outside the library.

4330 Westmont Dr, Charlotte, NC, USA +1 704 401 3200

Billy Graham Library and Grounds | © MattKeegan/Wikicommons

Ray's Splash Planet


Ray’s Splash Planet

Ray’s Splash Planet is one of the largest indoor water parks in the Carolinas. The park has 29,000 square feet of space and 117,000 gallons of water. The water is cleaned and sanitized regularly. Families can enjoy many attractions such as Blue Comet, Orbiter, Saturation Station, Vortex, Meteor Showers, Moon Beach, and Sea of Tranquility. For those who don’t like getting drenched, there is a fitness center and gymnasium. The center has two floors. On the first level, there is a pool area, locker room, classroom, and concession stand. The second floor has an aerobics and dance studio. Ray’s Splash Planet has activities for everyone.

215 N Sycamore St, Charlotte, NC, USA +1 704 432 4729

By Shay Lee

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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