Where To Catch The Best Sunsets In Istanbul
![Istanbul Sunset](https://cdn-v2.theculturetrip.com/20x11/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/8741577325_250aefb9f9_k.webp)
Watching the sunset in Istanbul is quite the unique experience as the iconic city skyline and the Bosphorus change from one colour to the next until the darkness of night sets in completely. We picked out our favourite spots to watch as the natural light disappears and the city turns on its artificial lights to highlight its most beautiful structures at night.
Galata Tower
![Galata Tower](https://cdn-v2.theculturetrip.com/10x/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/8857889075_d511c4ff1d_k.webp)
Galata Tower
One of the most iconic towers in Istanbul is also one of the best places to watch the sunset. The medieval stone tower has a balcony which has a panoramic view, so you can definitely move around until you catch the perfect view.
Galata Kulesi, Galata +90 212 243 12 78
Galata Tower | © Mr Hicks46/Flickr
Mikla Rooftop Bar
Bar, Restaurant
Mikla Rooftop Bar
One of the city’s most well-known haute cuisine restaurants is located at the top of the Marmara Pera Hotel and therefore has an excellent view of the city. In the winter months, the restaurant’s terrace is an amazing spot to catch the sunset, while in the summer the completely open rooftop bar offers an even more unobstructed view of the sunset.
The Marmara Pera, Meşrutiyet Caddesi No.15, Tepebaşı +90 212 293 56 56
Sanatkarlar Park
![Sanatkarlar Park](https://cdn-v2.theculturetrip.com/10x/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/dsc00046-copy.webp)
360 Istanbul
The name of this very popular restaurant says almost everything about its view, because it is indeed a 360-degree vista of Istanbul. You can only imagine how amazing the city looks as you enjoy your cocktail and order dinner.
İstiklal Caddesi, Mısır Apartment No.163/8, İstiklal +90 0533 691 03 60
Maiden’s Tower
Restaurant, Contemporary, European
![Maidens Tower, Istanbul](https://cdn-v2.theculturetrip.com/10x/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1930678.webp)
Büyük Çamlıca Tepesi
Büyük Çamlıca Tepesi
Situated on the Asian side of Istanbul, Büyük Çamlıca Tepesi is one of the highest points in the city so there’s no need to say how amazing the view of the sunset is from this particular point. There’s also a lovely park with little cafés all around, so you can spend a while gazing at the view.
Pierre Loti Hill
Coffee Shop, Restaurant, Coffee
![Cafe at Pierre Loti, Istanbul, Turkey.](https://cdn-v2.theculturetrip.com/10x/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/dnykpa.webp)
This café and restaurant on Burgazada is one of the most popular places to watch the sunset in a more natural setting. While you sip on some beer and eat your meze, watch the sun go down into the vast sea that stretches out before you (very romantic!).
Gönüllü Caddesi, Kalpazankaya Yolu Sokak No.26, Burgazada +90 216 381 11 11
![landscape with balloons floating in the air](https://cdn-v2.theculturetrip.com/10x/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/trips_turkey_-cappadocia_stocksy_txp81a0648dwea300_medium_2665653-1024x682.webp)
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