Where to Eat and Drink in Atlanta's Cabbagetown

The trendy Cabbagetown neighborhood in Atlanta
The trendy Cabbagetown neighborhood in Atlanta | John Ramspott
Jacy Topps

An artsy, trendy district, Cabbagetown is a very small community, but it is packed with history. Located east of Atlanta, the neighborhood connects to historic Inman Park via the famous, graffiti-covered Krog Street Tunnel. How the town got its name is a bit of a mystery. One legend sites the abundance of cabbage heads grown in the gardens of residents’ yards. Another legend mentions a grocer accidentally flipping over his truck while making a very sharp turn, spilling dozens of cabbages on the road. No matter which legend is correct, one thing is certain: Cabbagetown is serious about food. Here are a few that shouldn’t be passed up.

Carroll Street Cafe

Bistro, Restaurant, American

Perhaps the most popular restaurant in Cabbagetown, Carroll Street Cafe is a hip brunch spot on the weekends and serves famous tapas dishes in the evenings. This European-esque bistro has a cozy atmosphere that its eclectic visitors enjoy. You can even enjoy your meal at one of the sidewalk tables outside. Locals rave about the cafe’s crab cake Benedict and mimosas for brunch, and lamb sliders, baked brie and pork belly tapas for late lunch and dinner.

Agave Restaurant

Restaurant, Mexican

Date night takes on a whole new meaning at Agave Restaurant. Serving fresh Southwestern cuisine, the restaurant is unlike any in the area. It’s name originates from the big tequila shortage in 1999 that was due to the over-harvesting of agave plants in Mexico; however, now the bar menu includes nearly 100 varieties of tequila. Not to worry if tequila isn’t your thing, Agave has nearly 100 varieties of wine as well. A few dishes to pair with that wine or tequila include fish tacos, bbq ribs, fresh guacamole, barbacoa enchiladas, Guajillo mussels, and fresh tenderloin fillets.

Home grown

Diner, Restaurant, American

Diners enjoy locally-sourced, fresh ingredients in a country-dining setting at Home grown. Started by Lisa Spooner, former school teacher, and Kevin Clark, a fine dining chef, Home grown is not your average breakfast diner. Don’t judge a book by its cover; the small, low-key appearance is not what keeps the crowd coming back. It’s the signature southern-style comfort food. Biscuits and gravy, shrimp and grits, and even vegan sloppy joes are on the eclectic menu. There’s usually a wait on the weekends, but if you’re in a hurry, you can sit at the old-school diner counter for quicker service. Hidden in the back of the restaurant is artwork by emerging local artists and other little treats. Take a few minutes to browse before you sit down to an authentic Southern meal.

Petit Chou

Bistro, Cafe, French

Specializing in French cuisine with a southern twist, Petit Chou is situated on the outer edge of Cabbagetown along Memorial Drive. Open for breakfast, lunch and brunch, its ingredients are fresh and sourced from local suppliers and artisanal providers. The bistro features an outdoor patio and garden area, where patrons can spend quality time outside. The bar menu includes French bubbly, exquisite wines, craft beer, and strong spirits. You can expect to find French classics like onion soup, croque madames, and liver mousse on its menu, but you will also find biscuits and gravy, avocado toast and veggie breakfast bowls.

Milltown Arms Tavern

Bar, American

If you enjoy bars with large screen televisions, sports broadcasts, and burgers, you’ll love Milltown Arms Tavern. You also won’t be alone; this dive bar is a favorite in Cabbagetown. It even has a jukebox. The menu has a few of the typical items like wings, burgers and chicken tenders, but it also has a few surprises like a hummus plate, three cheese tortellini, a salmon BLT, and Cabbagetown Rolls, which are deep fried egg rolls stuffed with corned beef, Swiss cheese, and sauerkraut.

Sweet Cheats

Bakery, Dessert

Located across the street from Cabbagetown Park sits the neighborhood’s favorite sweet delight. Sweet Cheats sells tasty treats for every taste, from macaroons to cupcakes. Created by National Level Figure Competitor, Shirley Hughes, along with her husband Robert Tubbs, Sweet Cheats believes that everyone should indulge every once in a while, and if you cheat a little, “it better be worth it!.” The cozy bakery specializes in single-serving treats and catered delights. Enjoy a cup of coffee or latte with your sweet.

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