Why This New Color Trend Is All the Rage...

TILLAGD 24-piece cutlery set
TILLAGD 24-piece cutlery set | © IKEA

Home & Design Editor

Beiges, grieges, and all-white interiors are out. This upcoming season, it’s all about deep, gemstone colors that evoke a sense of rich warmth and intensity.


Instead of color blocking, it’s more like color dripping. In dark, rich tones that speak of comforting luxury, this on-trend color palette feels sensual, serious, and elegant.

Many of the products featured in IKEA’s 2018 catalogue were showcased in gemstone color-drenched interiors—the coveted palette for the upcoming winter months. Rather than go for the pop-art inspired prints and wild patterns found in last season’s look, this new trend is a regal-yet-down-to-earth blend of nature-inspired floral décor and rich, jeweled tones.

Here are some of our favorite color inspirations from IKEA’s new catalogue and ways to incorporate the look at home…

The mix of deep blues in varying shades, coupled with succulents and vines, offer a sense of rich warmth to this room. So that the look doesn’t get too heavy, add a bright color to the mix, like this sunny yellow, to lighten up the room.


Emerald tones are all the rage this season. Play with different textures to add depth and interest to the space. Plants and even peacock feathers are good ways to mix up any monotony.


We cannot get enough of dark florals this season. This refined look feels both modern and vintage, and adds sophistication to the room without “aging” it. Rose florals are especially elegant and pair well with this jeweled color palette.

TILLAGD 24-piece cutlery set

Mix up your textures with greenery, pops of gold (like this cool cutlery set), and deep blush toned décor.

TILLSYN hourglass

This rich velvety look feels at once masculine and feminine, and doesn’t become overbearingly “heavy” because of the light golden touches. Consider adding deep blue curtains with gold trim (or gold curtain rod) to your living room, or a heavy throw blanket with a textured pillow to emulate this look.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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