Stylish Cocktails Made With Only Three Ingredients

Making a cocktail
Making a cocktail | Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash
Maxence Effantin

Who can resist a well-shaken cocktail as an after-work pick-me-up? And no, you don’t need to be a pro to shake up something really quite good. Here are 15 different ways to spice up your drinks for no extra cost, and with only three ingredients.

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15 Stylish Cocktails Made Only With 3 Ingredients

Let’s get started!

Tequila Sunrise

Perfect for nostalgic vacationers, the Tequila Sunrise brings back the colors and fun of a lost summer…


Tequila Sunrise, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

American actor Orson Welles once said about the Negroni that ‘the bitters are excellent for your liver, the gin is bad for you. They balance each other.’

Pina Colada

Pina colada, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

Invented by Puerto Rican pirate Roberto Cofresi to lift the mood of his crew. ‘Avast!’


Seabreze, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

Stay healthy with a glassful of vitamin ‘sea’.

Green Ghost

Green Ghost, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

Pumped out of the backpack vacuum machine of a Ghostbuster.

Whisky Sour

Whisky Sour, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

Talk about those bittersweet memories over a Whisky Sour.


Margarita 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

When life gives you limes, garnish your Margarita.

Hibiscus Mimosa

Hibiscus Mimosa, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

Known for its aphrodisiac virtues, the hibiscus is a little twist that can change the course of the night…

Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

Surf the blue wave and let it take you to the end of the night!


Manhattan, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

You won’t teach Al Capone what a Manhattan is!


BLT, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

An alcoholic alternative to your favourite sandwich.

Moscow Mule

Moscow Mule, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

Down on the West Coast, they’ve got that saying: ‘If you’re not drinking, then you’re not playing!’

Cuba Libre

Cuba Libre, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

Drink to good ol’ Che!


Caipirinha, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

Initially used to treat the Spanish flu in the early 20th century, you can be sure this Brazilian cocktail will get you through the darkest of times.


Valencia, 15 3-Ingredients Cocktails

A fruity little twist on the traditional Mimosa, guaranteed to sweeten up your night.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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