Avocado Brownies are Delicious and Healthy and They're Taking Over the World

| © Kjokkenutstyr Net / Flickr

Finally the rest of the world has woken up to the truth that Mexicans have known for generations – avocados are amazing, delicious and healthy. The buzz around this savory fruit has caused its price to skyrocket in the last 5 years and its popularity has even been the center of major international intrigue.

Avocados are chock-full of healthy benefits. They contain more potassium than bananas, are a huge source of dietary fiber (one avocado has 27% of our daily intake needs), they are full of heart-healthy fats and have lots of antioxidants.

Avocado brownie recipes (in which avocado pulp is switched out for the fat – butter – the recipe would normally contain) are all over social media and the news. All you have to do is do a quick search on pinterest to see just how many hundreds of avocado brownie recipes there are. Check out this avocado brownie recipe.

Avocado Brownies │

There are lots of variations of the avocado brownie recipe including gluten-free and sugar-free versions. What you will most likely discover if you decide to taste test a regular and avocado brownie side by side is that the avocado brownie will be less sweet, and may have a nuttier, earthier taste to it. The consistency may also be a little heavier and more comparable to fudge than cake.

But are they healthier? If you compare the calorie and fat count of avocado and butter side by side the difference is truly unmistakable – the calorie count, grams of fat and grams of saturated fat are all decidedly less in an avocado. So go ahead, switch out your butter with avocado and experiment, you may just find, like millions of other avocado fanatics that you’re never going back to butter again!

Avocado Brownies │
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