Sugar and Lemon is the New Beauty Trend, Here's Why

Simple Ingridients! Frédérique Voisin-Demery / flickr
Simple Ingridients! Frédérique Voisin-Demery / flickr

C’mon ladies, we all have a horror story about a terrible wax. The pain, the burning, the red bumpy after effects or just the pure price tag. A natural in-home treatment is being touted on the web, with ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen cabinets. It’s worth a try, even if just for a new story to tell!

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The method may be “new” to us, but this kind of hair removal has been practiced throughout the centuries in places like ancient Eygpt and across the Middle East. It’s called “sugaring” and is a simple way to remove unwanted hair with just three simple items: sugar, water and lemon juice.

Simple Ingridients! │

To whip up this concoction, just put the juice of a lemon, two cups of sugar and 100ml of water in a pot. When the mixture begins to boil, turn down the heat and stir until it becomes a light golden brown (it will be bubbling gently once you turn down the heat). Any darker than golden brown and you have burnt your waxing miracle and you’ll have to start all over again, so keep an eye on it.

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Once it starts to turn the right color, put a spoonful in your fridge and let it cool to the point where you can pick it up and roll it between two fingers, the consistency should be thicker than honey. Once you have the right consistency put the mixture in a bowl and allow to cool for about 30 minutes. (If it’s still hot after 30 minutes give it a little more time, it shouldn’t be hot enough to burn you in any way!)

When it’s cool, gather a ball of the mixture and apply it to your legs or other parts with unwanted hair. Spread with a thick popsicle stick, a butter knife or even your fingers. You should spread the “wax” on at about a 1/4 inch thick, you can then use a waxing stripe or even you fingers to press down on the mixture and then, take a deep breath, and pull.

The benefits of this all-natural process are no hot wax to burn you and a do-it-yourself, free home treatment. Plus, the natural ingredients of the mixture will exfoliate your skin and leave you with shinier, younger looking legs. Try it if you dare!

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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