Wellness Gifts for Health Freaks Who Travel

| © Burst / Shopify

For the person in your life who never has a cheat day no matter where they are, we’ve assembled a selection of holiday gifts that will make their ultra healthy lifestyle a little more portable.

Smart yoga pants

The Nadi X pants are a next-generation fitness wearable—a stylish pair of mesh-panelled leggings with inbuilt vibrational technology that helps guide the wearer into yoga poses with a series of gentle pulses. While it can’t tell you precisely how to embody upward-facing dog, it can refine your alignment—especially when paired with the library of poses available on the accompanying app.
Nadi X Yoga Pants, $179

Ultra-functional gym bag

As handy for weekend trips and retreats as it is for the gym, this lightweight carry-all has compartments to keep all your workout essentials organized. The zip-able bottom section is ideal for stashing sneakers or damp swimwear, and there’s even a yoga mat harness attached to the base.

Sweaty Betty, Luxe Gym Bag, $165

Post-exercise skincare

Exercise is great for your body, but it’s not so conducive to healthy skin—all that sweat congests pores and hot showers can leave it parched and prone to fine lines. This simple skincare system from FRÉ is designed to target the complexion woes of anybody who works out regularly, preventing dehydration, breakouts and aging in three easy steps.

123FRÉ Set, $115

Facial Roller

Effective skincare is about treating the anatomy of the face, not just the skin on top of it. This jade roller loosens tight facial muscles, increases circulation and aids lymph drainage to reduce puffiness and help prevent wrinkles. It’s also perfect for soothing sun-burned skin, particularly after being kept in the mini bar fridge for a few hours.

Ginger Chi, Anti-Aging Jade Roller, $25.99

Virtual Yoga Subscription

When you’re on the road it’s difficult to maintain a regular practice. YogaGlo offers a simple solution, anywhere and anytime you need to flow. With a library of over 4,000 videos taught by lauded instructors, you can stream a 10-minute restorative stretch during your airport layover, or an hour-long dynamic Vinyasa to help you power through a jet lag slump.

YogaGlo subscription, $18 a month

Multipurpose Water Bottle

This water bottle doubles up as a portable foam roller. Performing self-massage after a workout targets the fascia—the web of connective tissue that encase the musculature of the body—aiding muscle recovery, flexibility and even helping to reduce cellulite. It also feels really great after multiple hours on a plane.

SKLZ Hydro-Roller, $37.99

Mini Himalayan Salt Lamp

Mineral rich Himalayan pink salt is antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic, and when heated—as by a lightbulb—it’s said to release negative ions that target free radicals in the air. This portable plug-in version travels with you, helping keep colds at bay while also emitting a comforting and homey glow.
AMIR Salt Lamp, $21.99

Sleep Kit for Travel

Between long plane journeys, jet lag, and unfamiliar hotel beds, sleep can be elusive when we’re traveling. This plush memory foam neck pillow, ear plugs and contoured black-out eye mask will make getting those all-important Z’s a little easier.
Everlasting Comfort, 100% Pure Memory Foam Neck Pillow Airplane Travel Kit, $18.95

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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