Paleo Blogs You Should Be Reading Right Now

Trishna Shah

Signs of healthy eating point to the humble diets of our Paleolithic ancestors; maximizing on the nutritional value of eating pre-agricultural foraged foods though, from lean meats to fruits, nuts and seeds. Here’s our list of the top paleo blogs to follow if you want to get some inspiration.

Paleo Diet

Rubies & Radishes

Rubies & Radishes offers a great introduction for those new to the paleo lifestyle. The recipes are simple and straightforward and illustrated with beautiful food stills. The most compelling feature of this blog are the stories of the author’s personal struggles and successes with paleo living in an age dominated by nutrition science and food processing.

Written by the authors of the acclaimed Make it Paleo cookbook, Primal Palate has got everything you need to know about going paleo. There are tons of innovative and delicious recipes from carrot cake to pork dumplings that will satisfy any eater, suggested menus for daily meals and plenty of additional resources to ease the transition into a paleo lifestyle.

Real Food Liz

From the best-selling author of Eat the Yolks comes a blog focused on the highs of healthy living. Everything about Real Food Liz is light-hearted and fun, while remaining equally insightful. For advice on primal skincare, reviews and recommendations of paleo resources, look no further.


Having collaborated with Dr. Cordain to produce best-selling The Paleo Diet, Nell Stephenson writes about how her experience going paleo resolved many mysterious gastrointestinal issues deemed incurable by doctors. Loaded with useful nutritional tips, fitness advice, restaurant reviews and ideas for paleo holidays, there is so much to take away from her blog, Paleoista.

Paleo Recovery Breakfast

Nom Nom Paleo

Nom Nom Paleo is a stunning blog of paleo recipes, travel advice and tips on how to keep your kitchen paleo-friendly. The recipes are exciting and vibrant ranging from magic mushroom power to spicy salmon cucumber bites. Join writer Michelle Tam on her delicious paleo journey through Nom Nom Paleo.

Paleo OMG

Paleo OMG is a lifestyle blog that inserts the paleo ethos into the three f’s: food, fitness and fashion. Whilst many health food diets can take the fun out of eating, the recipes in this blog are simple, delicious and full of flavor. Try the candied bacon recipe or the home-made sweetened pistachio milk for a midday snack.

The Domestic Man

Russ Crandall’s blog, The Domestic Man, argues that modern humans have lost touch with their cultural lineage. Most of us today do no know where our food comes from. Thus, this blog aims to document the forgotten traditions of our hunter-gatherer ancestors and connect us back to a more sustainable way of eating. Crandall’s writing is supported by plenty of interesting nutritional information and introduces us to the paleo gardener.

Paleo Leap

Paleo Leap is a great resource for newcomers to the paleo diet. It offers a meal plan, shopping list and money saving tips that make this lifestyle highly accessible to a wide range of people. You can find plenty of detailed information on the nutrition behind the diet in the ‘What’s Happening’ series.

Paleolithic Humans

The Primal Parent

Translating a diet for an entire family is not always easy. The Primal Parent follows the story of a mother as she builds a paleo lifestyle for her husband and children. Featuring plenty of tips of healthy pregnancy, mental health and fertility health, this blog is particularly useful for pregnant women and paleo parents.

Everyday Paleo

This family friendly blog offers an extensive index of recipes fit for kids and adults alike. Everyday Paleo shares personal experiences of writer, Sarah Fragoso as she explores the paleo lifestyle with her growing family. Watch the fitness podcasts for the ultimate tips on getting the most out of going paleo.

The Paleo Mom

The Paleo Mom is a great resource for introducing kids of all ages to the diet. Dr. Sarah Ballantyne addresses the differences in approaches that need to be taken for during pregnancy and for kids of different ages. There are plenty of learning resources on this blog, especially the weekly Paleo Bites TV Show featuring recipes, fitness tips and product reviews.

The Clothes Make the Girl

Author Melissa Joulwan is on a mission to get super-fit, well-fed and dressed-to-kill through the paleo diet. Winner of the Best Paleo Recipes of 2014, The Clothes Make the Girl imports the savours of the Taj Mahal and Ha Noi into irresistible and easy-to-follow recipes. You can find tips on how to enjoy the company of non-Paleo friends and family without compromising your own healthy choices.

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