The 15 Best Restaurants In North America

New York City
New York City | © Aurelien Guichard/Flickr
Marcelina Morfin

The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list is a world renowned collection of the top 100 restaurants around the world excelling in food and service, as chosen by an elite group of epicurean professionals (chefs, critics and restaurateurs). Using the 2015 list as a guide, we’ve compiled the top 15 restaurants in North America. Don’t forget that reservations are either required or highly recommended for any of the establishments listed below.

Eleven Madison Park, New York, NY, USA

Eleven Madison Park, New York, NY, USA

Co-owned by Daniel Humm and Will Guidara, Eleven Madison Park is a fine dining gem located in the culinary haven of NYC. The interior, with its gorgeous décor, lofty ceilings and white tablecloths, along with the service and food is all exquisite, leaving guests wanting for nothing. The menus available are seasonal tasting menus with seven to nine courses, allowing guests to taste the very best of local ingredients.
Eleven Madison Park, 11 Madison Ave, New York, NY, USA, +1 212 889 0905

Le Bernardin, New York, NY, USA

Restaurant, French

In addition to being on the 50’s Best list, Le Bernardin has also received many other accolades over the years, including three Michelin stars since 2005 and the only restaurant to maintain four stars from The New York Times throughout five reviews. First opening in Paris under Gilbert and Maguy Le Coze, it arrived in NYC in 1986. Today, Chef Éric Ripert is at the helm and is creating mouth watering dishes, with an emphasis on seafood, all of which can be enjoyed in the beautiful modern dining space.

Alinea, Chicago, IL, USA

Diner, Restaurant, Contemporary, American, Vegetarian

Alinea, Chicago, IL, USA
© Johnn/Flickr
Chicago restaurant Alinea is a blend of classical architectural elements and modern touches. The gastronomic experience was also shaken up to allow guests to try new culinary delights. A three star Michelin restaurant, Alinea’s culinary team is headed by chef-owner Grant Achatz who is known for his molecular gastronomy, such as an edible balloon made with dehydrated apples and helium. Rather than book reservations, guests must purchase tickets.

Biko, Mexico City, Mexico

Restaurant, Mexican, Spanish, Vegetarian

Biko‘s chefs bring a tantalizing mix of flavors to the restaurant’s menu. A combination of French, Basque, and Spanish flavors – where chefs Mikel Alonso, Bruno Oteiza and Gerard Bellver come from, respectively – fuse with Mexican ingredients, creating an epicurean experience for your palate like no other. From contemporary recipes to authentic Basque dishes, you don’t want to miss dining at Biko.

Per Se, New York City, NY, USA

Restaurant, French

Nova Scotia Lobster Tart, Lubina Barbajuan, Violet Artichoke and Charred Eggplant Mayonnaise
© Deborah Jones/Courtesy of Per Se

Specializing in contemporary French-American cuisine, Per Se, in NYC, is the mastermind of Thomas Keller. At the helm of this three Michelin star venue is chef de cuisine Eli Kaimeh, who along with his team create incredible nine course tasting menus brimming with innovative recipes all made with the best seasonal products. The interior is equally impressive with an elegant atmosphere featuring breathtaking views of Central Park.

Blue Hill at Stone Barns, Pocantico Hills, NY, USA

Restaurant, Market, American

Blue Hill at Stone Barns is a delectable farm to table establishment located in the charming Pocantico Hills at Stone Barns, which is a farm and educational center located 30 miles north of NYC. Executive Chef Dan Barber, who is also co-owner, does not offer a printed menu but rather something called Grazing, Pecking, Rooting, a tasting menu offering nothing the best and freshest ingredients from the farm and market. Guests will even be treated to informational titbits when being served.

The French Laundry, Yountville, CA, USA

Diner, Restaurant, French, Vegetarian, Vegan

A restaurant from Thomas Keller and with three Michelin stars, The French Laundry is an iconic restaurant located in Napa Valley’s Yountville. Tucked inside a 1900 building originally constructed as a saloon, the restaurant exudes charm, and for over two decades now, it has been delighting guests with a refined palate looking to savor the best ingredients. Something unique about The French Laundry is that no ingredient is repeated on any menu twice, providing a unique flavor profile with each course.

Saison, San Francisco, CA, USA

Restaurant, Contemporary, Healthy, North American

Saison, San Francisco, CA, USA
© Saison

As the name suggest, Saison – French for ’season’ – specializes in seasonal cuisine of the New American variety. An unpretentious fine dining establishment this restaurant offers guests a multi-course menu, which often changes to showcase only the best and freshest Northern California ingredients available. Due to its exquisite fare and outstanding service, the Michelin guide awarded Saison the coveted three stars, plus it has garnered many other accolades.

The NoMad, New York, NY, USA

Restaurant, American

A restaurant from Chef Daniel Humm and Restaurateur Will Guidara, The NoMad is located at the hotel of the same name. Offering discerning diners an elegant space comprised of several rooms situated around an atrium surround by glass, The NoMad’s menu features mouth watering options such as the roasted broccoli with lardo, parmesan and lemon and the suckling pig confit with white asparagus, English peas and potato rissole.

Momofuku Ko, New York, NY, USA

Bar, Market, Restaurant, Asian, American

With two Michelin stars under its belt, Momofuku Ko is a restaurant where you will want to take your time to enjoy the exquisite fare. The folks at this restaurant recommend allowing two and a half hours to savor the meals the chefs will prepare for your multi-course meal. Featuring an open kitchen with 22 seats at the counter along with other seating for 18 more diners, the restaurant offers a menu highlighting the freshest market ingredients.

The Restaurant at Meadowood, St. Helena, CA, USA

Diner, Restaurant, Wine Bar, Bar, Contemporary, American, Vegetarian, Gluten-free

The recipient of the coveted three Michelin stars, The Restaurant at Meadowood succeeds in giving guests exquisite fare and top notch service. Located at Meadowood, a resort located in St. Helena, this fine dining destination offers modern American fare made with seasonal, sustainable ingredients from local sources with whom they build relationships. The Restaurant offers three dinner menus Tuesday through Saturday: a three course menu available only at The Restaurant Bar, a tasting menu, and a Counter Menu available in the kitchen – an experience like no other.

Coi, San Francisco, CA, USA

Restaurant, Contemporary, North American

Coi, San Francisco, CA, USA

Putting a modern spin on seafood dishes, Coi is a fine dining destination located in the North Beach District of San Francisco. At the helm is Executive Chef Matthew Kirkley who, along with his esteemed culinary team, create luscious dishes for dinner Thursday through Monday. The menu often changes to reflect only the best ingredients on offer. Between the beautifully plated dishes and excellent service, Coi has earned the restaurant two Michelin stars, making it an epicurean’s dream.

Daniel, New York, NY, USA

Restaurant, French

Daniel, New York

For an atmosphere that exudes elegance, top-notch service, and fine French cuisine, then Daniel in New York City is a must visit for a meal you are sure to remember. Chef Daniel Boulud’s restaurant is located on the Upper East Side and offers seasonal contemporary French fare and an exceptional wine list all within a neoclassical-styled interior adorned with contemporary décor.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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