U.S. Doctors You Should Follow on Instagram

| ©Amanda Suarez

US Editorial Team Lead

In the world of social media, doctors have emerged as influential figures, garnering large followings and engaging audiences on platforms like Instagram. They use their expertise and charisma to provide a range of content, from health tips and insights into their daily routines to general inspiration for better living. This trend has turned these doctors into significant figures on the platform, impacting the way people perceive and approach health and wellness. Their content often focuses on promoting a healthier and happier lifestyle, offering advice on exercise, nutrition, mental well-being, and preventive care. This intersection of medical knowledge and social media influence has created a unique platform for doctors to connect with the public and contribute positively to the online community.

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Dr. Lisa Long

Dr. Lisa Long is a Charlotte, N.C.-based psychologist who says she has a “passion for helping individuals develop their strengths so they may overcome any obstacles affecting their quality of life.” Her Instagram is full of advice and inspiration.

Dr. Myron Rolle

This NFL player-turned-neurosurgeon has a story that is film-worthy. Transitioning from football to medicine couldn’t have been easy, but Dr. Rolle’s Instagram is fitness, philanthropy, and education goals.

Dr. Sandra Lee

If you’re easily grossed out, California-based dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee’s page may not be for you. From blackheads to cysts and everything in between, Dr. Lee (better known as Dr. Pimple Popper) posts videos of her patients getting some gnarly skin conditions treated. She’s also renowned as an expert in her field and makes appearances The Doctors and the TODAY Show.


Dr. Olanrewaju Ladipo, also known as “Dr. ATL,” is a board-certified physician specializing in cosmetic surgery. The Atlanta-based Dr. Ladipo posts before and after photos of his patients and has dubbed himself the “Lipo King.”

Dr. Zubin Damania

He’s “ZDoggMD” on social media, but a licensed medical doctor in the real world. If you’re looking to add a little laughter to the monotony of your day, Dr. Damania’s posts are definitely the way to go.

Dr. Michelle Henry

Dr. Michelle Henry is a Harvard and Mount Sinai-trained dermatologic surgeon. Her Instagram is filled with skin care tips, dermatology innovation, and random inspiration. Fun fact: Dr. Henry’s clients include Beyonce’s stylist Ty Hunter and respected style blogger Claire Summers.

Dr. Miami

Boasting over 600,000 followers, Michael “Dr. Miami” Salzhauer is the plastic surgeon to all of your favorite Instagram models. He records everything from tummy tucks to butt lifts and, with the permission of his patients, also posts the results. Dr. Miami had a show on WE tv which documented his Miami-based practice.

Dr. Ish Major

Dr. Major is a board-certified psychiatrist most well known for his role in WE tv’s Marriage Bootcamp: Family Edition. Dr. Major is a no nonsense relationship expert who drops gems on his Instagram about relationships as well as general life advice.

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